So we all had to recommend two books this week in our store. One of them had to be something we are currently reading, the other had to be something we planned on reading next. For my ‘current’ book I chose this, it’s A Fall Of Moondust by Arthur C. Clarke. It’s not a massively well know book to most people, but then again not many books I read are, especially being science fiction. I like to recommend lesser known books when I can. So between all of the staff, that’s at least 36 books that were chosen to place on a stand in front of store for customers to see almost immediately as they come in. Within an hour it had sold! (we only had 1 in stock for the time being).

There’s a lovely, tingly, proud feeling you get when you know
someone has taken a book you personally recommended, especially one you never expected to be sold so quickly - if at all. And especially so when it sells faster than everyone else’s recommends :P
My 2nd recommendation for what I’m going to read next was The Eye Of The World by Robert Jordan, Part 1 in the Wheel Of Time series.